Your spouse isn’t there to complete you
The point of marriage isn’t to heal you
We have gotten this misguided information from Hollywood
Too often we lay the burden of making ourselves feel loved at the feet of our spouse
That simply isn’t fair
In all honesty, most of us don’t even know how to love ourselves
We think, if our spouse would just do these things
Or, if our spouse would just say this
Then we would feel loved
But, it’s not true
If our spouse says or does something that we appreciate
We have a thought about them (that was so sweet or how nice or he was thinking of me) and it makes us feel love for them
Read that again…we don’t feel loved…we feel love for them
We can choose to have kind thoughts about our spouse whenever we want and feel love
Now, if there is something we want said or done to us, we can always do it for ourselves
And if we do, then we can feel that appreciation for ourselves and have those thoughts about ourselves
Then we will feel love for ourselves
No one can make you feel “loved”
Love is a feeling you get to choose to feel for others and for yourself through thoughts you think about them
I had heard many experts and spiritual leaders talk about this
But I never really understood it
Until I dove deep into Life Coaching and understood how the brain worked in this way
Yes, Life Coaching can save your marriage and any other personal relationship you are struggling with
The value of Life Coaching is priceless
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