Have you ever noticed that you constantly keep yourself busy
You are always worn out and feel overwhelmed, but can’t seem to let yourself relax
In some ways you are proud of how busy you are and how much you get done
In other ways you are secretly resentful and wish you could relax like everyone else
Have you ever wondered why?
Most likely, you are trying to avoid something
If you are anything like me, it was a way to avoid the pain in my life
It wasn’t until I found Life Coaching that I became aware of this
I just thought I liked to stay busy, and didn’t want to be lazy like other people
It’s not like I had been through a recent trauma, like a death of a loved one or anything like that
I didn’t have an obvious “hard-thing” that I would be avoiding
It took time for me to examine what was going on in my life to figure out what I was avoiding
And once I did, that is when everything changed
When you finally stop going, going, going trying to out-run your internal pain that is when the exhaustion and overwhelm will stop
Because that is when the avoidance stops and the healing begins
The only way to overcome these heavy emotions is to process the underlying pain that is being avoided
There is nothing wrong with being busy
I am still a very busy person
It just depends on the energy you are coming from
When we come from a place of fear or avoidance that overwhelm and exhaustion are added on top of the pain because you can’t outwork and emotion
But when we come from a place of joy, or curiosity, or excitement to see what we are capable of that’s when the fun begins
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