Conflict is so prevalent in our lives, and most of us have never been taught how to work through it successfully
Most of us think there are only 3 options: “my way”, “their way”, or “agree to disagree”, but there are so many other options available to us
Unfortunately, when we are emotionally charged about issues our brain doesn’t let us see what else is available to us
We go into “fight or flight” and our brain tells us we are in danger because someone isn’t agreeing with us
Or our brain wants to avoid the pain of being wrong and so it tells us we are always right
Neither of these are true, but our emotions override our logical brain that knows this
Having a Life Coach to help you work through your brain drama, so you can show up the best you can is so valuable
Join me for a free consultation. It will give you the benefit of a neutral 3rd party perspective and help you become clear on where you are, where you want to be, and actionable steps to get there…spots are limited, so don’t wait…Click on the link below
Get my FREE 5 Step Process to Start Loving Your Life
Click on the link below to purchase my self-paced 5 module course with worksheets that will help you learn to Make Your Brain Work For You