Self-Improvement Isn’t Selfish
I think the default collective thought about anything “Self” directed is that it is selfish
It’s such a paradox though…
Because logically we know:
taking care of ourselves is necessary
growing ourselves in some way is good
challenging our thinking helps us
Whether it’s mentally, emotionally, physically, spiritually, or any combination of them; it’s a great thing to work towards improvement
Yet, our default brain wants to tell us “if you spend time on yourself; you are selfish”
And the last thing we want to be viewed as by others is Selfish
So, we focus on others, ignoring our needs, powering through, until we finally break
Our brain wants to tell us, this is the only option
If we take time to fill our needs, it actually creates more energy and allows us to give more
If we work on ourselves, we create more time in the day because our productivity goes up
It might sound counterintuitive, but I promise it’s true
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