The best way to predict the future is to Create it
Abraham Lincoln
We could wake up and just let the day happen to us…That is how most people operate
We have things on our To-Do list
We have an undesired schedule to keep
Things continually just come up that we have to handle
But this type of life leads to frustration and resentment
It’s way more fun to be intentional about how you want your life to look and feel
Intentionality starts with our thoughts
Because the Thoughts we Believe will Create our Emotions
Our Emotions drive the Actions we take
And our Actions Create the Life we Live
Intentionally decide ahead of time what you want your day to look like
Intentionally decide ahead of time how you want to feel throughout your day
Intentionally decide ahead of time what you are going to believe
Does this mean everything will be rainbows and daisies and we will never have to do anything we don’t want to?
Absolutely not!
Let’s be realistic and not live in fantasy land
I am not preaching that
I am encouraging you to intentionally choose your realistic reality
It is available to you
It is possible
You just have to make conscious choice to achieve it
Let’s do it together!
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