If this is the story you are telling yourself…
I don’t have time to take care of myself
I don’t have the support from my spouse
My kids are too young, I have to wait until they are older
My husbands never gonna change
I’m too tired; too exhausted; too overwhelmed
I have too much on my plate
Just know…It’s all a lie
It’s just a story we tell ourselves
The truth is…you may “want”, “wish”, or are “interested” in taking care of yourself, but you aren’t Committed to making it happen, and that’s okay, but stop lying to yourself (it’s a lot less painful then)
Because The other truth is…if we just took care of ourselves and our needs, then we would have the energy we want
We would have the time we want
We would be less overwhelmed
We would be less stressed
Nobody needs to change for that to happen
We just need to be willing to do the “hard things” until they aren’t hard any more
I know how good it feels on the other side of “hard”
To wake up early or stay up late or find the time in the middle of my day to give to myself, it’s a beautiful thing
To wake up and enjoy my spiritual routine, not for anyone else, but for me, it’s a beautiful thing
To wake up and enjoy a morning practice of journaling, dreaming about my dreams, getting my mind in the right space and doing that for me, it’s a beautiful thing
To wake up early and do my morning workout because I know it makes me feel good, because I know it makes me happy, because I know it puts me in the right place, and other people benefit from that, it’s a beautiful thing
If you are ready to move from “wanting”, “wishing”, or “interested” to Committed I can help
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