The silly 50/50 of life 🤪
Feeling disappointed and happy about the exact same situation
My logical brain (the cortex) can step back and look at my overall progress in the last 6 weeks and feel so happy and proud of where I am at today
Yet, my emotional brain (the amygdala) only looks at today and the fact that it felt harder than it should have, I felt tired, and I was off on my pace overall, so it’s disappointed
Because the emotional brain tends to be louder in my mind, the disappointment would typically outweigh the pride and happiness
This is where my life coaching has made huge improvements to my life
No longer do I need to succumb to my emotional brain and the negativity
I choose to purposefully and intentionally decide what to focus on, and that is the overall good
It was a beautiful morning, It was a good run, I am half way done and I am half way there…I am right where I should be 😄
Choose to be Intentional
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