Sometimes our miracles come in our deepest despair, if we let them
For so many years I lived with an all encompassing darkness
So heavy and thick, it blanketed my life
I couldn’t see or feel beyond the pain and suffering
It was so hard to keep going
I didn’t want to, so many times I tried to give up
I didn’t believe in God, especially one that would allow such cruelty and pain to exist
I was living in hell with no escape
I was full of anger and resentment
It was heavy and exhausting
After hitting another low of low points in my life
I had nowhere else to turn
I had exhausted all my resources
I needed something that wasn’t available to me
I needed a miracle
It was in this moment that I did something I had never done before
I had cursed Him, I had blamed Him, I had mocked Him, I had taunted Him, but I had never prayed to Him
I needed a miracle, and He gave it to me
It was so unattainable, so specific, so unique
And yet, it was given to me
After all the hate, and anger, and blame
I finally turned to Him
And I will never turn from Him
#BecauseOfHim we can find hope through the darkness of life
As Jesus’ body lay in the tomb, I am sure His disciples felt the deepest of despair
What they needed was unattainable, it was specific, it was unique
And He gave it to them, to you, to me,
To All Who Would Believe on His Name
“Jesus answered and said unto them, Destroy this temple, and in three days I will raise it up”
Happy Holy Week