As a youth, I struggled with my identity as a girl
I had been sexually assaulted by different men and in different capacities
I was keenly aware of my inabilities to protect myself
I was keenly aware of my objectivity as a women in this world
I was angry at the world
I felt uncomfortable in my body
I hated my role as a women in this world
I wanted nothing to do with what was expected of me as a women
I wanted to be strong
I wanted to be powerful
I wanted to not fear
Becoming a Mother changed many of my views on womanhood
But everything changed when I found #Jesus
The second greatest lessons Jesus Christ taught me was about my identity as A Daughter of God
He showed me my true worth
He showed me my role as a Women and Mother are Divine
I am a partner with Him in creating life and helping raise Righteous and Godly children
He Loves and Honors Me
Throughout Jesus Christ’s ministry, and in the last week of His life, He taught Many Great Truths
“Who can find a virtuous woman? for her price is far above rubies”
Happy Holy Week