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May 25, 20231 min read
There is No Happily Ever After
The “Happily Ever After” doesn’t exist We all have a happily ever after story that we are waiting on… When I just lose the last 10lbs...
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May 23, 20231 min read
Your Struggles Don’t Define You
It can be extremely frustrating to feel like you are succeeding everywhere except your family life As a life coach, specializing in...
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May 22, 20231 min read
Taking Action is the Only Way to Make Your Dreams a Reality
Setting goals is the first step in turning the invisible into the visible Tony Robbins We can wish We can want We can desire Until we are...
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May 18, 20231 min read
Success in Family Relationships is Possible
It can feel so frustrating creating success in almost every aspect of your life, but feel like you are failing in your family...
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May 16, 20232 min read
Unleash Your Potential
We all tend to say statements like… “I’ve just always been this way” “That is just how it is” “This is just who I am” “It’s just hard to...
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May 15, 20231 min read
Hard Now Equals Easy Later
I am not a product of my circumstances, I am a product of my decisions Steven R Covey There are a million choice we can choose to make...
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May 11, 20231 min read
How Long Will It Take…
Many of my clients ask me… How long will it take before I am able to “think differently” or “manage my thoughts” or “let go of _____...
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May 9, 20231 min read
You Don’t Have to Wait for Your Partner to Change to be Happy
You don’t have to wait for your partner to change to be happy So many of us believe that unless our partner is happy, we can’t be happy...
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May 8, 20231 min read
Create Your Day Intentionally
The best way to predict the future is to Create it Abraham Lincoln We could wake up and just let the day happen to us…That is how most...
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May 4, 20231 min read
Create A More Joyful Life
Do you find that even though you have most of what you wanted for your life you still feel unhappy? It’s not about lacking something It’s...
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May 2, 20231 min read
I Would Lash Out…Understanding the Why Is So Important
I would get so offended and lash out at my husband for things he would say about other people I didn’t understand why I felt the need to...
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May 1, 20231 min read
Doubt Eventually Creeps In…
The only limit to our realization of tomorrow will be our doubts of today FRANKLIN D. ROOSEVELT Whatever type of goal you are working...
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Apr 28, 20231 min read
For Your Brain’s Sake…Choose Your Hard on Purpose
For Your Brains sake…Choose the Hard on Purpose What do I mean? When you find yourself stuck trying to make a decision between options...
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Apr 27, 20232 min read
I Lost Control
We can’t seem to control it in the moment Our response to specific situations are so exaggerated to what they should be Sometimes we can...
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Apr 25, 20232 min read
Do You Stay Busy To Avoid Your Pain?
Have you ever noticed that you constantly keep yourself busy You are always worn out and feel overwhelmed, but can’t seem to let yourself...
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Apr 24, 20231 min read
Who You Become Is More Important
What you get by achieving your goals is not as important as who you become by achieving your goals ZIG ZIGLAR After a night of no sleep...
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Apr 21, 20231 min read
Anger Is A Mask
Anger allows us to mask our pain Because anger is easier to express and can even feel powerful Anger doesn’t leave you feeling vulnerable...
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Apr 20, 20231 min read
Allow The Timing to be Different
We can become so weighed down by our own deadline that we start to dread working on our goal It’s like we totally lose focus on the fact...
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Apr 18, 20232 min read
Procrastination is a Thief…Here Are Some Tips To Overcome Procrastination
Do you find yourself procrastinating when it comes to your goals You really want to do it, but just can’t seem to find the motivation to...
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Apr 17, 20231 min read
It’s Always A Good Day
There are days that will be easy There are days that will be hard There are days you will have to talk yourself into it There are days...
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