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I was overwhelmed from the never-ending "to-dos"
I felt like I had the weight of the world on my shoulders because I worked full-time, was the main care taker of the kids, ran the home, and felt like I had to do everything myself
I resented my husband for not being the partner I thought he should be
I was frustrated I had no time for myself because the kids required so much
Everything changed for me when I finally
Took responsibility for my own happiness
Prioritized myself and my needs
Intentionally created each day
Realized No One Needed To Change For Me To Be Happy
When I started taking care of myself and filling my own cup, I felt loved, I felt healthy, and it energized me
With the extra energy I had I was more patient with my family and wanted to share that love I felt with them
With the extra energy I had I was more organized and productive, which allowed me to find more time in my day for other things
I completely changed my life, and I have helped many others since
I can help you too!

Hey Lady
I'm glad you are here.
Your personal development journey is your own unique experience.
I am here to help guide you.
I am here to be an honest, safe, loving friend.
I will tell you the truth and ask the hard questions.
Not to shame or judge you, but to help you break through those mental barriers and pull out your own wisdom.
I will help You create more time and energy.
I will help You learn to understand yourself better.
I will help You overcome the overwhelm and accomplish your desires.
I will help You create a life you enjoy.
Are you coming with me?
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Transform Your Life; Go from Resentment to Love; Frustration to Understanding; Suffering to Enjoying
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